Elections Calculator

Elections Calculator

Interactive mapping to inform.

See it: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/elections-2020/electoral-calculator

In the lead-up to the 2020 election, I developed an interactive Electoral College map while at PBS NewsHour. This tool empowers users to explore potential election outcomes and understand the dynamics of the Electoral College system.

Key Features

  • Scenario Building: Users can click on individual states to toggle projected electoral votes for each candidate, building custom election scenarios.
  • State Ratings: Drawing on Cook Political Report analysis, the map starts with projected ratings for each state, providing a clear baseline.
  • Victory Path Visualization: The map dynamically calculates electoral totals based on user selections, making it easier to visualize the path to the 270 votes needed for victory.
  • Shareable Maps: Users can generate custom URLs that store their map state, facilitating discussions and analysis across social media.

Technical Solutions

  • JavaScript Backbone: Utilized JavaScript to power the map's interactivity, ensuring seamless updates and state changes without full page reloads.
  • Responsive Design: Prioritized adaptability to different screen sizes for accessibility across desktop, tablet, and mobile devices.
  • Data Integration: Worked with Cook Political Report election data to populate the map's initial state.


The PBS NewsHour Electoral College Calculator proved exceptionally popular, empowering viewers to directly engage with election complexities and grasp the potential outcomes.

2022 Webby Winner, Peoples Choice Winner, News & Politics

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